
Alpha-Conotoxins: Selective Probes For Nicotinic Receptor Subtype Structure And Function [ 2009-01-07 - 2011-06-30 ]

Research Grant

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Brief description Alpha-Conotoxins: Selective Probes For Nicotinic Receptor Subtype Structure And Function. Marine snails from the waters off the Australian coast produce an amazing variety of mini-proteins in their venoms called conotoxins that they use to capture prey. These conotoxins bind very specifically to receptors in our body associated with the transmission of nerve signals. We will use natural and synthetically modified conotoxins to selectively block particular types of neuronal 'receptors' to gain a greater understanding of how the nervous system functions. This knowledge will help in the design of new drugs to treat a variety of diseases and disorders. Essentially we will use a chemical armoury developed by the cone snail to design state-of-the-art mini-protein drugs.

Funding Amount $990,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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