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F. Norton Manning was appointed Inspector of the Insane on 1 January 1876 (1) In his first report the Inspector advised that he had the responsibility to inspect the following institutions: Asylum for Imbeciles and Institutions for Idiots, NewcastleLunatic Reception House, Sydney
Branch Asylum, Callan Park
Temporary Lunatic Asylum, Cooma. (2) The Lunacy Act of 1878 (42 Vic. No.7) extended the Inspector General's supervision to include all hospitals and licensed houses which cared for the insane or the criminally insane. (3) The Inspector's role was
* to visit each institution bi-annually with or without notice and to make a thorough inspection of the property and see every patient. A report of each visit was to be recorded in the 'Inspector General's Book'. If necessary the Inspector was to examine the licence of the Institution (4)
* to visit and report on hospital wards, reception house and prisons which housed the insane as often as necessary (5)
* to inquire about treatment given to each patient and to assess the facilities made available to patients, how they are supported financially and to inspect the hospital's records. (6)
* to visit houses licensed to care for a single psychiatric patient and report as with other institutions. (7)
* to inspect architectural plans for additions to existing institutions for the insane (8)
* to authorise the transfer of patients between institutions (9)
* to consent to the transfer of patients for health purposes (10)
* to report annually to the Colonial Secretary. (11) The Inspector- General was not to have any interest in any licensed premises for the treatment of the mentally ill, or to sign certificates for the admission of patients, except the criminally insane. (12) In 1918 (?) the title of the Office was altered to the Inspector-General of Mental Hospitals. (13) The Lunacy (Amendment) Act, 1952 (Act No.31, 1952) authorised the Inspector General to consent to patients undergoing leucotomy, electro-convulsive therapy, electro narcosis therapy, insulin therapy and other medical or surgical procedures in some cases overriding the objection of the patient's next of kin. (14) The Mental Health Act, 1958 (Act No.45, 1958) changed the name of the office to Inspector General to the Director of State Psychiatric Services and set down his responsibilities as follows:
* to visit and inspect every admission centre, mental hospital and authorised hospital with or without notice whenever he thinks fit (15)
* to make any inspection, investigation or inquiry that he thinks fit (16)
* to carry out any inspection, investigation or inquiry as directed by the minister with respect to he care, treatment or control of patients and voluntary patients or with respect to the management of the hospital or centre (17)
* To require any person to furnish him with information , to produce relevant records or to give evidence as may become necessary during routine or special inspections, investigations or inquiries (18)
* To report annually to the Minister. (19) The Director was forbidden to have any financial interest in any authorised hospital or to sign certificates for the admission of patients into hospitals or other facilities for the care of the mentally ill. (20) The Health Commission Act, 1972, (Act No.63, 1972) which came into effect on 30 April 1973, abolished the office of the Director of State Psychiatric Services and conferred the statutory powers, authorities and functions of this office on the Health Commission. (21) Within the Blue Books, 1876-1960, this office is listed under the broader category / function of "Lunatic Asylums" or "Lunacy". FOOTNOTES
(1) NSW Government Gazette 14 January, 1876 p. 161.
(2) Annual Report of the Inspector General of the Insane, for 1876, p.1 in Votes and Proceedings Vol 4 1876-77,. p.761.
(3) Lunacy Act, 1878, s.69.
(4) Ibid.
(5) Ibid. s.70.
(6) Ibid. s.71.
(7) Ibid. s.72.
(8) Ibid s.75.
(9) Ibid. s.80.
(10) Ibid. s.82.
(11) Ibid. s.73.
(12) Ibid. s.74.
(13) For example Public Service Lists, 1918, p.10; Annual report of the Inspector-General of Mental Hospitals for the year ended 31 December, 1918, p.1 in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1919, Volume 2, p.875.
(14) Lunacy (Amendment) Act, 1952, s.2.
(15) Mental Health Act, 1952, s.7(2).
(16) Ibid.
(17) Ibid.
(18) Ibid. s.7(3).
(19) Ibid. s.7(5).
(20) Ibid. s.7(4).
(21) Health Commission Act, 1973, s.22; NSW Government Gazette, 13 April 1973, p.1321-2. REFERENCES
(1) "Concise Guide", 2nd Edition "H-K", "Inspector General of Mental Hospitals" p.59.
(2) Public Service Lists, 1876-1960.
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