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The Commissioners of Crown Lands for the Gold Districts replaced the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands for the Gold Districts.(1) 'An Act for regulating the Management of the Gold Fields of New South Wales and for raising a Revenue therefrom and for the preservation of order thereon' (16 Vic. No. 43) came into force from 1 February 1853. Under section 13 Commissioners of Crown Lands appointed for the Gold Districts within their respective districts had full power to determine the extent and position of each licensed person's claim or holding of land and to mark the same. Each Commissioner under section 24 could without warrant apprehend and detain any unlicensed person whom he found mining or digging for gold. Commissioners could also determine complaints of encroachment under section 26. The power of Commissioners was extended to Gold Fields on private lands with the concurrence of the owner under section 30.(2) The first Commissioner in Charge for the Western Gold District was Charles H. Green.(3) By 1858 the Commissioner in Charge of the Western Gold District was located at Bathurst.(4) The Commissioner in Charge for the Western Gold District was William Johnson who had been appointed from 3 September 1851. William Johnson was succeeded by Harold McLean on 19 March 1858.(5) By 1862 Assistant Commissioners were located at Forbes, Sofala and Rockley. Sub-Commissioners were located at Sofala, Tambaroora, Hargraves, Stoney Creek, and Forbes.(6) Further acts relating to the management of the Gold Fields were passed in 1853, 1857, 1861 and 1866.(7) From 1 July 1866 Whittingdale Johnston held the position of Commissioner in Charge of the Western Gold District.(8) On 21 March 1872 Gold Mining Regulations were published in the New South Wales Government Gazette. These provided for the appointment of Mining Registrars including those appointed for the Western Gold District.(9) The position of Commissioner in Charge of Crown Lands for the Western Gold District was abolished when responsibility for the gold fields transferred from the Secretary for Lands to the Secretary for Mines from 1 May 1874 under the Mining Act, 1874 (37 Vic. No.13).(9) Endnotes(1) Colonial Secretary; Returns of the Colony (Blue Books), 1852 [4/285 pp.304-309] Fiche 565 and 1853 [4/286 pp.310-315] Fiche 573.
(2) Gold Fields Management Act, 1852 (16 Vic. No. 43) section 13.
2) Blue Books, 1852 [4/285 pp.304-309] Fiche 565 and 1853 [4/286 pp.310-315] Fiche 573.
(3) Blue Books, 1853 [4/286 p.310] Fiche 573.
(4) Public Service List, 1862, p.57.
(5) Public Service List 1858, p.52, Fiche 807.
(6) Public Service List, 1862, p.57.
(7) Gold Fields Act, 1853 (17 Vic. No.23), Gold Fields Management Act, 1857 (20 Vic. No.29), Gold Fields Act, 1861 (25 Vic. No.4), Gold Fields Act Amendment Act, 1866 (29 Vic. No.20) and Gold Fields Act, 1866 (30 Vic. No.8).
(8) Public Service List, 1866, p.66.
(9) NSW Government Gazette (No.87), 21 March 1872, pp.753, 763 and Blue Books, 1873, pp.73, 82.
(10) Mining Act, 1874 (37 Vic. No.13).
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