
AGY-478 | Board of Water Supply and Sewerage (1888-1892) / Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage (1892-1925)

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Board of Water Supply and Sewerage was established by An Act to provide for the Water Supply and Sewerage of the City of Sydney and its Suburbs, 1880 (43 Victoria, Act No.32) which was proclaimed on 10 June 1880. The Act repealed certain sections of the "Sydney Corporation Act of 1879" relating to water supply and sewerage, thereby transferring the property, powers and obligations from the Municipal Council to the Board of Water Supply and Sewerage constituted by this Act. The Board was to consist of three persons appointed by the Governor, two nominated by the Municipal Council (designated "City Members") and two by the Mayors and Aldermen of the several boroughs and Municipal Districts within the County of Cumberland.

The Act, however, constituted the Minister for Public Works the "constructing authority" for the major Upper Nepean Scheme which was commenced soon after the passage of the Act. In consequence of which the Board was not called into being until 1 March 1888 by An Act to constitute the Board of Water Supply and Sewerage, and to amend the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Act of 1880 Amendment Act of 1888 ( 51 Vic. Act No.28) . The suspended provisions of the 1880 Act relating to the appointment and election of President and Members of the Board and its functioning were implemented. The names of the original members were notified on 26 March 1888. (2) The Board comprised of the President, two official members, four officers of the Board, two city members and two suburban members and held its first meeting on 9 April 1888. The Minister for Works remained the "constructing authority" in respect of all major works, and these did not rest in the Board or come under its control until reported complete and transferred to it by proclamation in the Government Gazette.

This "dual control" system continued until 1924. The Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage was abolished by An Act to provide for the water supply, sewerage and stormwater drainage of certain districts in and adjacent to the County of Cumberland, 1924 (Act No. 50, 1924) which received assent on 23 December 1924. (3) The Board ceased operating on 31 March 1925 and the Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board was established in its place. (4)

(1) NSW Government Gazette, 11 June 1880,Vol.2, p.2849.
(2) NSW Government Gazette, (No.204), 26 March 1888.
(3) NSW Government Gazette (No.1), 2 January 1925.
(4) F.J. J. Henry, The Water Supply and Sewerage of Sydney, Halstead Press Pty Limited,1939, p.9.

(1) NSW Government Gazette1880-1994.
(2) NSW Government Directory 1977-1996.
(3) F.J.J. Henry, The Water Supply and Sewerage of Sydney, Halstead Press Pty Limited, 1939.
(4) Votes and Proceedings of the Executive Council, 1888-1900.
(5) Joint Volumes of the Parliamentary Papers of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of New South Wales, Sydney Government Printer, 1901-1924.

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