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The Local Government (Shires) Act 1905 (Act No 33, 1905) provided for the division into Shires of the areas of the State not at that time part of existing municipalities. The Amaroo Shire (Shire No. 87) was established on 7 March, 1906. The Amaroo Shire was situated in the counties of Gordon, Wellington and Narromine and was adjacent to the Municipality of Molong. (1) The three ridings which comprised the Shire were proclaimed on the 16 May,1906. (2) A temporary council was appointed to commence on 9 June 1906. The members of the temporary Council were William Black, Bertram John Lee, George Packham, Sylvanus Partridge Reynolds and Claude Smith. (3) The role of the temporary council was within six months of their appointment to compile lists and rolls of electors and to make arrangements for the election of the first permanent council (4) The first elections for a permanent Shire council were held on 24 November 1906 (5) On 6 August, 1919 the Cumnock Urban Area was established within the Shire of Aramoo. (6) An Urban Committee was established at the Cumnock Urban Area in October 1927.(7) The boundaries of the Area were altered in October 1928 (8) The Cumnock Urban Area continued beyond the merger of the Shire of Aramoo and the Municipality of Molong. (9) All three ridings of the Shire were altered from 22 August 1923 when land was transferred from the Molong Municipalirty to the Amaroo Shire (10) The Amaroo Shire was abolished on 1 January 1951 when the shire was amalgamated with the Municipality of Molong to be constituted as the Shire of Molong (11) Endnotes(1) NSW Government Gazette 7 March, 1906, p.1593, 1595
(2) NSW Government Gazette on 16 May 1906, p. 2947
(3) Ibid p. 2980
(4) Ibid. p. 2979
(5) NSW Government Gazette 5 September, 1906 p. 5013
(6) NSW Government Gazette 15 August 1919 p. 4524
(7) NSW Government Gazette 28 October, 1927
(8) NSW Government Gazette 26 October 1928
(9) NSW Government Gazette 8 December 1950 p. 3580
(10) NSW Government Gazette 31 August 1923 p. 3844
(11) NSW Government Gazette 8 December 1950 p. 3579- 3582
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