
AGY-3479 | Finance and Personnel Committee [Riverina College of Advanced Education]

NSW State Archives Collection
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The Finance and Personnel Committee of the Riverina College of Advanced Education was first convened on August 3, 1972. (1) The functions and delegations of the Finance & Personnel Committee approved by the Council were:
- to approve of the financing of staffing within the College.
- to effect internal control over College income and expenditure.
- to receive and consider financial and other reports from the Office of the Bursar.
- to make investigations into proposals where priorities of capital and current expenditure may have to be established, and to receive and consider reports from the various policy planning committees of the College as to capital and current expenditure requirements.
- to approve of budgets with respect to capital and current expenditure for presentation to the appropriate State and Australian authorities.
- to make decisions concerning fees for tuition, residence and other services.
- to establish means of encouraging donations including bequests, private scholarships, prize funds, and to invest and disperse these funds as appropriate.
- to make decisions concerning tenders for goods and services, and in particular where the Tender Board does not recommend the acceptance of the lowest tender.
- to obtain legal advice and documentation where necessary on matters affecting the financial aspects of the College.
- to consider any matter that may be referred to the committee by the Council.
- to consider all matters connected with the employment of College staff, and shall oversight the administration of policies, such oversight to include the review and confirmation as appropriate of action taken under authority delegated to College officers in respect of:
a) the appointment, resignation, retirement, dismissal, promotion and reclassification of staff members; and b) the deployment and variation of positions on the academic and non-academic establishment.
- to formulate and recommend policy to Council that includes:
a) conditions of employment to be determined by the Public Service Board, and any other conditions affecting the employment of staff but not covered by Public Service Board determination;
b) the formulation of Rules under the By-Laws which are concerned with personnel functions; and
c) other personnel matters as may from time to time be appropriate. (2)
The final meeting of the Finance and Personnel Committee took place on June 9, 1982, after which the Committee was disbanded and replaced by the RCAE Personnel Committee. (3) Endnotes:
(1) Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Finance & Personnel Committee, 3 August 1972, p.1.
(2) Minutes of the Finance & Personnel Committee, Meeting 4/74, 12 July 1974, Resolution 74/85.
(3) Minutes of the final meeting of the Finance & Personnel Committee, Meeting 3/82, 9 June 1982, p.7.

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