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The Workshops Branch of the Public Transport Commission was established during the financial year ended 30 June 1974 to replace the former Mechanical Branch. (1)
The Workshops Branch of the Public Transport Commission was responsible for the operation of seven major railway workshops, consisting of the Locomotive and Carriage Workshops, Eveleigh; Locomotive, Electric Car and Permanent Way Workshops, Chullora; Clyde Wagon Works and the Locomotive Workshops Cardiff. These installations undertook the regular overhaul and maintenance of the locomotive fleet, plus passenger and freight rolling stock; provided material for the Permanent Way, carried out design modifications to existing equipment, and manufactured new equipment. (2)
The Branch's activities were marked by extensive modernisation program with the addition of new amenities, buildings, machines, pollution controls, and tools. A detailed component needs study was also undertaken. (3)
The Workshops Branch [I] was restructured when the Railway Workshops Board was established by the Transport Authorities Act 1980 (Act No.103, 1980) on 1 July 1980 as a statutory subsidiary of the State Rail Authority to manage and develop the network of railway workshops. (4)
1. Public Transport Commission of New South Wales, Annual Report, 1974, p.18 in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1974-75, Vol.5, p.252.
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Transport Authorities Act 1980 (Act No.103, 1980), ss.4, 19 (1).
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