
Age vs. Depth of core MD032607 (off South Australia). Age has been calculated through modelling based on oxygen isotope records from Globigerina bulloides

Australian Ocean Data Network
Spooner, Michelle ; De Deckker, Patrick
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= vs. Depth of core MD032607 (off South Australia). Age has been calculated through modelling based on oxygen isotope records from Globigerina bulloides&rft.identifier= age with depth of core MD032607 is calculated through 18O values, which are then correlated with the SPECMAP age-model. Based upon these measurements the age at the deepest part of the core (3270cm) is ~176,590yrs BP. The age vs. depth profile for this core indicates a major increase in the sedimentation rate during the initial phase of MIS 6, when the sedimentation rate is ~41cm/1000yrs. The average sedimentation rate over the length of the core is 18.7cm/1000yrs.Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedStatement: The age scale is based entirely on the record of 18O throughout the core. The analytical error in calculating 18O is ±0.08 per mil. Isotope records for 18O (acting as a proxy for age) were calculated every 5cm down to a depth of 200cm. From this point, down to the end of the core at 3270cm, data is not recorded for regular intervals. Data is presented for every 30-120cm of the remaining core length.Statement: Sample collected using a piston core. The chronology of the core was deduced from oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Globigerina bulloides. Carbonate tests collected using 63µm mesh after preparation. Estimates of 18O at various depths were made by the Finnigan MAT251 Mass Spectrometer at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany. The 18O data was correlated against the SPECMAP age model of Martinson et al. (1987).&rft.creator=Spooner, Michelle &rft.creator=De Deckker, Patrick &,-36.96743 137.41148,-36.96742 137.41132,-36.96820 137.41030,-36.96820 137.41028,-36.96743&rft.coverage=westlimit=137; southlimit=-40; eastlimit=137.5; northlimit=-39.5&rft.coverage=westlimit=137; southlimit=-40; eastlimit=137.5; northlimit=-39.5&rft.coverage=uplimit=865; downlimit=865&rft.coverage=uplimit=865; downlimit=865&rft_rights= Graphic&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License&rft_rights= Text&rft_rights=The citation in a list of references is: citation author name/s (year metadata published), metadata title. Citation author organisation/s. File identifier and Data accessed at (add http link).&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License SCIENCE&rft_subject=OCEANS&rft_subject=MARINE SEDIMENTS&rft_subject=OXYGEN ISOTOPES&rft_subject=PALEOCLIMATE&rft_subject=OCEAN/LAKE RECORDS&rft_subject=Age vs. depth profile&rft_subject=51200000&rft_subject=core_depth&rft_subject=age_of_core&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License


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Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia License



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The citation in a list of references is: citation author name/s (year metadata published), metadata title. Citation author organisation/s. File identifier and Data accessed at (add http link).



Brief description

The age with depth of core MD032607 is calculated through 18O values, which are then correlated with the SPECMAP age-model. Based upon these measurements the age at the deepest part of the core (3270cm) is ~176,590yrs BP. The age vs. depth profile for this core indicates a major increase in the sedimentation rate during the initial phase of MIS 6, when the sedimentation rate is ~41cm/1000yrs. The average sedimentation rate over the length of the core is 18.7cm/1000yrs.


Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: The age scale is based entirely on the record of 18O throughout the core. The analytical error in calculating 18O is ±0.08 per mil. Isotope records for 18O (acting as a proxy for age) were calculated every 5cm down to a depth of 200cm. From this point, down to the end of the core at 3270cm, data is not recorded for regular intervals. Data is presented for every 30-120cm of the remaining core length.
Statement: Sample collected using a piston core. The chronology of the core was deduced from oxygen isotope stratigraphy of Globigerina bulloides. Carbonate tests collected using 63µm mesh after preparation. Estimates of 18O at various depths were made by the Finnigan MAT251 Mass Spectrometer at GEOMAR in Kiel, Germany. The 18O data was correlated against the SPECMAP age model of Martinson et al. (1987).


The Australian National University (ANU)
Funded by The National Oceans Office (NOO)
Funded by The Australian Research Council (ARC)
Funded by The French Polar Institute
Funded by The Australian Institute of Nuclear Science Engineering (AINSE)
Funded by The Murray Darling Basin Commission
To provide insight into general palaeoceanographic conditions offshore South Australia. Was part of a larger undertaking to try and define the history of the Leeuwin Current, in particular the reduction/absence of the current during glacial periods. Age vs depth profile can provide information on sedimentation rates over time.

Issued: 21 03 2007

Data time period: 2003-01-01 to 2003-01-01

This dataset is part of a larger collection

137.41028,-36.96743 137.41148,-36.96742 137.41132,-36.9682 137.4103,-36.9682 137.41028,-36.96743


137.5,-39.5 137.5,-40 137,-40 137,-39.5 137.5,-39.5


text: westlimit=137; southlimit=-40; eastlimit=137.5; northlimit=-39.5

text: uplimit=865; downlimit=865


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