Brief description
Three aerial surveys were flown by Helicopter Resources Pty Ltd for the Australian Antarctic Division's Antarctic Modernisation Taskforce during the 2017/18 field season. The photography was done from a helicopter and covered Davis station and an area of the Vestfold Hills to the north-east of the station. The first survey conducted on 19 November 2017 covered an inner higher resolution area with flying heights approximately 300 to 400 metres above sea level. The second survey conducted on 20 November 2017 covered a more extensive area at lower resolution with flying heights approximately 800 metres above sea level. The third survey was conducted on 31 January 2018 over a similar area to the first survey with flying heights approximately 300 to 400 metres above sea level. The report on the third survey states "As a general comment, in comparison to Survey 1, this survey was flown more accurately, in better lighting conditions, with less snow cover, and by all statistical metrics has resulted in a higher quality survey overall." The spatial extents given in this metadata record are for the second survey. For each survey there is zip file with a report and the following products generated from the survey data: (i) an orthophoto; (ii) a Digital Surface Model (DSM); and (iii) contours generated from the DSM. The products are stored in the UTM zone 44S coordinate system, based on the horizontal datum ITRF2000. Elevations are in metres above Mean Sea Level. There is also a separate zip file with the aerial photographs from the three surveys and a spreadsheet with latitude and longitude for each photo centre. Ground control points were used to constrain the DSM for each survey. One metre by one metre cross markers were set out across the survey area prior to the aerial surveys being flown. The centre of each cross was surveyed by Australian Defence Force surveyors Sam Kelly and Warwick Cox. Some permanent survey marks were used as an independent check of the overall accuracy of the DSM.Issued: 2018-08-07
Data time period: 2017-11-19 to 2018-01-31
text: northlimit=-68.4809; southlimit=-68.6067; westlimit=77.8923; eastLimit=78.2235; projection=WGS84
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- Local : aerial_surveys_vestfold_2017-18
- global : 6a9370b2-e03a-4f97-8fe2-1d374198fda0