Full description
Adult Multicultural Education Services (AMES) was formally established in 1951, providing English language tuition to new settlers in Australia as part of a post-war national program. On March 1, 2001 AMES changed from a Service Agency within the Department of Education, Employment and Training (DEET) (VA 4828) to an Adult Education Institution under the Training and Further Education (Amendment) Act 2000 (No. 64/2000). This included the creation of a governing board and the transfer of relevant staff employed in DEET to AMES. As of 1 January 2007, AMES operates under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (No. 24 of 2006).Note - at some point, possibly from its inception, AMES was known as Adult Migrant Education Services. By 2000 it had been renamed Adult Multicultural Education Services. Exact dates are subject to further research.
AMES is governed by a 10-member board which reports to the Victorian Minister for Skills and Workforce Participation through the Department of Planning and Community Development.
AMES provides the following services:
- Settlement services for newly-arrived migrant and refugee families on arrival in Victoria, including airport reception, assistance finding accommodation, linking with the social security system and the immediate community, assistance with immediate health issues and enrolment in English classes.
- Education and training programs for individuals and communities including English language and literacy training, vocational training, traineeships, skilled professional migrants programs, orientation to employment programs, work - training enterprises providing practical training and employment, citizenship and civics education and specific programs designed for young people.
- Employment services for job seekers from Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds including career advice, job preparation training / orientation to industry workshops, addressing non-vocational barriers and job placement.
AMES delivers contracts on behalf of Commonwealth and State Government Departments.
Data time period:
[1951 TO 3000]
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