Brief description
The active seismics are all part of a survey of the Sorsdal Glacier. They are designed to measure ice thickness, and the thickness of the water column underneath the ice shelf where the ice is floating. This was part of an investigation to determine the location of the grounding line on Sorsdal Glacier. Sorsdal Glacier site S04 - 14/12/2015 Timing: 2000 - 2150 Coordinates: S68 42.006, E78 09.439 Team: Sue Cook, James Hamilton, Marty Benavente Weather: Some high cloud, low wind, good visibility Site notes: Crevasses greater than 2 m wide running in along flow direction (parallel to geophone cables). Surface very thin layer of icy/hard packed snow with blue ice underneath. Equipment: Geometrics Geode Seismograph communicating with a laptop via ethernet cable using Geometrics Seismodule Controller Software Version (Geometrics Inc., 2014) Sampling: 4-second records at 4000 samples/second Geophones: 40 Hz Blue/yellow geophones used. Seismic survey layout: 2 x 36 m cables (3 m spacing) Geophones all set into surface by drilling small hole with handheld drill. Bearing of seismic line: 338 degrees (on compass, no magnetic declination applied) Geophones 1-12 to East, 13-24 to West Hammer blows began from East end of line (geophone 1), moving every 6 m towards West end of line. 10 blows at each location. Sources: Geophone,File,Hammer swinger 1, 2.dat, JH 3, 3.dat, JH 5, 4.dat, JH 7, 5.dat, JH 9, 6.dat, JH 11, 7.dat, JH 24, 8.dat, MB 22, 9.dat, MB 20, 10.dat, MB 18, 11.dat, MB 16, 12.dat, MB 14, 13.dat, MB centre, 14.dat, MBIssued: 2018-03-13
Data time period: 2015-12-14 to 2015-12-14
text: northlimit=-68.7001; southlimit=-68.7001; westlimit=78.1573; eastLimit=78.1573; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4342_ActiveSeis_2015-2016
- DOI : 10.4225/15/5AAF269A5135C
- global : 9da032ed-b85e-4f15-9a68-e5159a6ed971