
Activation of HSP70: a therapeutic target to treat obesity-induced insulin resistance [ 2008 - 2010 ]

Also known as: Prevention of insulin resistance by activating heat shock proteins

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Mark Febbraio (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Andrea Hevener

Brief description Type 2 diabetes is a prevalent and serious disease and the development of new strategies to treat it is warranted. In recent experiments we have been able to show that by upregulating a particular protein, referred to as a heat shock protein, we can reduce the clinical markers of type 2 diabetes by reducing key inflammatory pathways known to lead to insulin resistance. In this series of studies we will investigate whether activation of this protein is a target for therapeutic treatment.

Funding Amount $AUD 467,720.17

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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