
AC2-VBANMT103 - Banks Islands lanugaes map and comparative word list

The University of Sydney (Funded by) The University of Sydney (Funded by) University of Sydney (Funded by)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/72/56EC19C2122D0&rft.title=AC2-VBANMT103 - Banks Islands lanugaes map and comparative word list&rft.identifier= page manuscript and map. -- Shared phonetic features in the Banks Islands Languages (map) with a comparative wordlist in English - Mota - Tekel - Mosina - Vuras - Sasar - Lakona - Gog - Metlav - Motlav - Volow - Ureparapara - Lo.; Date of recording unknown.. Language as given: Mota, Tekel (Lehali), Mosin (Mosina), Vuras, Sasar, Lakona, Gog (Lakona), Merlav, Volow, Ureparapara (Lehalurup), Lo (Toga)&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-14.437; westlimit=166.58; eastlimit=168.069&rft_rights=Access to the catalog entry is open, but access to records is only open to registered users&rft_subject=language_documentation&rft_subject=lht&rft_subject=lkn&rft_subject=mrm&rft_subject=msn&rft_subject=mtt&rft_subject=tql&rft_subject=urr&rft_subject=lexicography&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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4 page manuscript and map. -- Shared phonetic features in the Banks Islands Languages (map) with a comparative wordlist in English - Mota - Tekel - Mosina - Vuras - Sasar - Lakona - Gog - Metlav - Motlav - Volow - Ureparapara - Lo.; Date of recording unknown.. Language as given: Mota, Tekel (Lehali), Mosin (Mosina), Vuras, Sasar, Lakona, Gog (Lakona), Merlav, Volow, Ureparapara (Lehalurup), Lo (Toga)

Created: 1999-11-30

Data time period: 1999 to ,

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168.069,-13.225 168.069,-14.437 166.58,-14.437 166.58,-13.225 168.069,-13.225


ISO3166: VU


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