Brief description
The Alexandra Reef complex is a collection of fringing reefs which extend over 8 km along the coast and up to 3 km seaward between Yule Point in the south and Port Douglas in the north. The reef complex is centered around the mouth of the Mowbray River.Two transects across the reef flat at the northern and southern extremities of the complex were assessed qualitatively during the low tide period. Data collected included, community types (zones), the width of the zone (m), depth at low tide (m), substrate type and cover of algae, sea grass, hard coral, soft coral and other organisms. Organisms were identified to species where possible.
Sub-tidal communities were examined at eight sites along the outer margin of the reefs. At each site, both investigators swam for a timed period of 5 minutes and recorded data on exposure, depth (m), width of zone (m), substrate type, visibility (m) and percent cover of algae, hard corals, soft corals and other organisms. Organisms were identified to species where possible. The estimates of each investigator were combined.
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Acropora brueggemanni |
Acropora cerealis |
Acropora divaricata |
Acropora elseyi |
Acropora formosa |
Acropora humilis |
Acropora loripes |
Acropora millepora |
Acropora nobilis |
Acropora palifera |
Acropora pulchra |
Acropora tenuis |
Acropora valida |
Amphiroa |
Australogyra zelli |
Biological Classification |
Briarium |
Caulerpa |
Coastal Processes |
Coral Reefs |
Cyphastrea microphthalma |
Cystoseira trinodis |
Echinopora lamellosa |
Euphyllia ancora |
Favia favus |
Favia maritima |
Favia maxima |
Favia pallida |
Faviids |
Favites abdita |
Favites flexuosa |
Fungia |
Galaxea astreata |
Goniastrea edwardsi |
Goniastrea favulus |
Goniastrea pectinata |
Goniastrea retiformis |
Goniastrea sp. |
Goniopora |
Halimeda cylindrica |
Halodule sp. |
Halophile ovalis |
Hydnophora pilosa |
Leptastrea |
Lobophyllia hemperichii |
Lobophyton |
Merulina ampliata |
Montipora digitata |
Montipora stellata |
Mycedium elephantotus |
Oceans |
Pachyseris speciosa |
Pandina |
Pavona decussata |
Pavona minuta |
Pavona varians |
Pectinia lactuca |
Plants |
Platygyra daedalea |
Platygyra pini |
Pocillopora damicornis |
Podabacia |
Porites |
Psammocora digitata |
Rotoliths |
Sarcophyton |
Sargassum |
Sinularia |
Sponges |
Stylophora pistillata |
Symphyllia recta |
Thalassia |
Turbinaria |
Xenia |
Xestospongia |
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