
A New Generation Biosensor and Fluorescence Facility for Proteomics [ 2005-04-18 - 2006-04-17 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Ronald Duggleby (Chief Investigator) ,  Alastair McEwan (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Darren Ryder (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Pierre Moens (Chief Investigator) ,  Emeritus Professor Jenny Martin (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description A New Generation Biosensor and Fluorescence Facility for Proteomics. The complete DNA sequence (the genome) is now known for many organisms and advances are being made to identify the complement of messenger RNA (the transcriptome) and the resultant collection of proteins (the proteome). The genome is largely fixed while the transcriptome and proteome differ between cell types in an organism and constantly vary to adapt the cell to changing conditions. The mediators of these variations are proteins, interacting with each other and with signal molecules. The next frontier in molecular biology is to identify and quantify these protein interactions. Our two institutions have a very large cohort of biologists whose research on proteins would be greatly facilitated by the Biacore 3000 and the ISS K2.

Funding Amount $347,358

Funding Scheme Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

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