Brief description
A high resolution bathymetric grid of the nearshore area at Casey station, Antarctica was produced by Geoscience Australia by combining data from two multibeam hydrographic surveys: 1) A survey conducted by the Royal Australian Navy in 2013/14. Refer to the metadata record 'Hydrographic survey HI545 by the RAN Australian Hydrographic Service at Casey, December 2013 to January 2014' with ID HI545_hydrographic_survey. 2) A survey conducted by Geoscience Australia and the Royal Australian Navy in 2014/15. Refer to the metadata record 'Hydrographic survey HI560 by the RAN Australian Hydrographic Service at Casey, December 2014 to February 2015' with ID HI560_hydrographic_survey and the metadata record 'Seafloor Mapping Survey, Windmill Islands and Casey region, Antarctica, December 2014 - February 2015' with ID AAS_3326_seafloor_mapping_casey_2014_15. The grid has a cell size of one metre and is stored in a UTM Zone 49S projection, based on WGS84. Further information is available from the Geoscience Australia website (see a Related URL).Lineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 2013-12-23 to 2015-01-30
text: westlimit=110.3633; southlimit=-66.3122; eastlimit=110.5703; northlimit=-66.2311
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Metadata record for 2013/14 hydrographic survey (EXTENDED METADATA)
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Metadata record for 2014/15 hydrographic survey (EXTENDED METADATA)
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Metadata record for 2014/15 hydrographic survey (EXTENDED METADATA)
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Download point for the bathymetric grid and metadata (Geoscience Australia website) (GET DATA)
uri :
- global : AAS_3326_bathymetric_grid_casey_2013-2015