Full description
The model output is obtained from a configuration of the Regional Ocean Modeling System (www.myroms.org) free-running, hydrodynamic simulation of the Hawkesbury Shelf region of the East Australian Current System. The model has a horizontal resolution of 750m and 30 vertical s-levels. The model domain covers the continental shelf region of southeastern Australia from 31.5S- 34.5S extending ~150km offshore, and the grid is orientated 27 degrees clockwise to be predominantly orientated alongshore. The time period covered is 1 Jan 2012 to 31 Dec 2013. The model output provided are 2 hourly snapshots and daily averages of the following variables: Two-dimensional variables: Sea surface height (zeta), barotropic cross-grid velocity (u) and barotropic along-grid velocity (v)Three-dimensional variables: Temperature (temp), salinity (salt), cross-grid velocity (u), along-grid velocity (v) and vertical velocity (w).Issued: 2020
Data time period: 2012-01-01 to 2013-12-31
Spatial Coverage And Location
text: Newcastle
text: Sydney
text: 31.5 S
text: 34.5 S
Biological Sciences |
Biological Oceanography |
Earth Sciences |
Ecology |
Environment |
East Australian Current |
Hawkesbury Bioregion |
Hydrodynamic Modeling |
Marine Oceanic Processes (Excl. Climate Related) |
Marine and Estuarine Ecology (Incl. Marine Ichthyology) |
Oceanography |
Other Environment |
Ocean Modelling |
Physical Oceanography |
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- DOI : 10.26190/5EC35CA34752E
- Handle : 1959.4/resource/collection/resdatac_1025/1