
A framework for prioritising investment in natural resource management [ 2003-01-01 - 2008-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: David J Pannell (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Michael Burton (Chief Investigator)

Brief description A framework for prioritising investment in natural resource management. If public funds applied to natural resource management are to achieve the highest level benefit, then the potential projects have to be prioritized. This is difficult when the expected benefits are both incommensurate (e.g. protection of roads v. areas of biodiversity) and uncertain. This project will evaluate alternative decision support methods for making such choices, with a particular focus on salinity management in Western Australia, although it is anticipated that the lessons learned could be applied to other NRM policies. The outcome will be a contribution to aid participatory decision making.

Funding Amount $69,099

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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