Brief description
A flora, vegetation and floristic survey of the Burrup Peninsula, some adjoining areas and part of the Dampier Archipelago, with comparisons to the floristics of areas on the adjoining mainland.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Original record compiled for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), Project 3.8, 2008. Originally sourced from DEWHA EPBC Referrals online (April, 2008). Metadata information generated from citations in referrals. Date range from citation date. Abstract derived from citation title only. Spatial extent derived from referral area of interest.
CreditM.E. Trudgen
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (DMPR)
Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (DMPR)
Modified: 06 2008
Data time period: 2002 to 2002
text: westlimit=116.4; southlimit=-20.8; eastlimit=116.9; northlimit=-20.4
Other Information
- global : 516811d7-cbcc-207a-e0440003ba8c79dd