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Data files are in ".tif" format. XY coordinate system: GCS_WGS_1984 Pixel values represent: values magnified 1000 times, '2013C.tif' represents 2013 pre-sowing CRC, '2013Q.tif' represents 2013 post-harvest CRCNotes
Associated PersonsYi Dong (Creator); Fu Xuan (Creator); Xianda Huang (Creator); Ziqian Li (Creator); Wei Su (Creator); Jianxi Huang (Creator); Xuecao Li (Creator); Wancheng Tao (Creator); Jiezhi Chen (Creator)
Issued: 2023-09-06
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- DOI : 10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.23993517.V2
- global : 44d864f2-383e-4ab6-99b0-8d7d4dbcd0c7