Emma Flukes
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Hobday, Alistair
Hobday, Alistair
Hobday, Alistair, Dr
Hobday, Alistair, Dr
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Brief description The Marine chapter of the 2021 State of the Environment (SoE) report incorporates multiple expert templates developed from streams of marine data. This metadata record describes the Case Study "Management of shared marine biodiversity values". ***A PDF of the full Case Study, including figures and tables (where provided) is downloadable in the "On-line Resources" section of this record as "CASE STUDY 2021 – Management of shared marine biodiversity values"*** ---------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY This synopsis describes arrangements for protecting marine biodiversity in accordance with Australia’s national responsibilities for the marine estate and as a party to international conventions including those for Biological Diversity, Migratory Species, World Heritage and Wetlands of International Importance. ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE Threats to Australia’s marine biodiversity include increasing use of the marine domain, pollution, habitat modification or loss and climate change. Direct impacts include harvest (e.g., commercial, recreational and Indigenous fishing), bycatch, habitat disturbance and pollution, all of which may indirectly impact all ecosystem components. These pressures may act cumulatively to increase the overall impacts. DATA STREAM(S) USED IN CASE STUDY Synthesis of literature published, and expert knowledge of the case study authors.
Lineage Statement: QUALITY OF DATA USED IN THE ASSESSMENT Peer-reviewed literature.
Peer reviews of this case study were provided by:
Piers Dunstan (CSIRO)
Colin Simpfendorfer (JCU)
text: westlimit=102.65625000000001; southlimit=-47.4609375; eastlimit=162.421875; northlimit=-7.207031249999999
CASE STUDY 2021 - Marine biodiversity protection in Australia [direct download] (SoE_2021_MARINE_Case_Study__Marine_biodiv_protection.pdf)
(State of the Environment (SoE) reporting webpage)
uri :
global : 6acfca0f-b734-43a1-ad88-9132aec30e40
- DOI : 10.26198/VFAD-2851
- global : b3c0d0e0-45bc-4131-92d5-221efbbf1580