
2021 State of the Environment Report Marine Chapter – Case Study – Baselines, monitoring and integrated ecosystems assessements: Supporting status reporting and decsion-making for Australia's marine environment and Blue Economy

Researchers: Emma Flukes (Point of contact) ,  Fulton, Beth (Author) ,  Fulton, Elizabeth (Author) ,  Fulton, Elizabeth (Author) ,  Hayes, Keith (Author)
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Brief description The Marine chapter of the 2021 State of the Environment (SoE) report incorporates multiple expert templates developed from streams of marine data. This metadata record describes the Case Study "Baselines, monitoring and integrated ecosystems assessements: Supporting status reporting and decsion-making for Australia's marine environment and Blue Economy". ***A PDF of the full Case Study, including figures and tables (where provided) is downloadable in the "On-line Resources" section of this record as "CASE STUDY 2021 – Baselines, monitoring and integrated ecosystems assessements"*** ---------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY Recommendations in the National Marine Science Plan 2015-25 (NMSP; Treloar et al 2016) are crucial for Australia to achieve sustainable use of our marine environment and to reap the full benefits from the Blue Economy. Two recommendations are particularly relevant to SoE and other national status and trend reporting (e.g. State of the Climate, Status of Australian Fish Stocks): -- Establish and support a National Marine Baselines and Long-Term Monitoring Program; -- Develop a dedicated and coordinated science program to support decision-making by policy makers and marine industry in the face of challenges such as cumulative impacts, multiple pressures and social and economic considerations. Implementing these recommendations will also provide more complete data and information to support assessment of cumulative impacts and management effectiveness. Two working groups were established by the National Marine Science Committee (NMSC) to develop advice on establishing and supporting these national programs. Reports from the two working groups (Hedge et al 2021; Smith et al 2021) have recently been endorsed by the NMSC. --- [see attached Case Study for more] DATA STREAM(S) USED IN CASE STUDY Synthesis of literature published and expert knowledge of case study authors.

Lineage Statement: QUALITY OF DATA USED IN THE ASSESSMENT Peer-reviewed literature.


Notes Credit
Peer reviews of this case study were provided by: Tim Moltmann (IMOS)

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Other Information
CASE STUDY 2021 - Baselines, monitoring and integrated ecosystems assessements [direct download] (SoE_2021_MARINE_Case_Study__Baselines_monitoring.pdf)

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(State of the Environment (SoE) reporting webpage)

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global : 6acfca0f-b734-43a1-ad88-9132aec30e40

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When citing this Case Study in a list of references use the following format: Smith, D., Ward, T., Hayes, K., Hedge, P., & Fulton, E. (2021). 2021 State of the Environment Report Marine Chapter – Case Study – Baselines, monitoring and integrated ecosystems assessements: Supporting status reporting and decsion-making for Australia's marine environment and Blue Economy. Australian Ocean Data Network.


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