Allen, Simon, Dr
Bax, Nic
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Brief description The Marine chapter of the 2021 State of the Environment (SoE) report incorporates multiple expert templates developed from streams of marine data. This metadata record describes the Case Study "Management of shared marine biodiversity values". ***A PDF of the full Case Study, including figures and tables (where provided) is downloadable in the "On-line Resources" section of this record as "CASE STUDY 2021 – Management of shared marine biodiversity values"*** ---------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF THE CASE STUDY Australian waters are part of national, regional and global ecosystems. Turtles that nest in Australia feed in many parts of the Indo-Pacific, baleen whales that breed in Australian waters also spend time in the open ocean and the waters of several other countries (Figure 1) while some fish and shark species move between Australian waters and those adjacent frequently to forage and breed. The status of many marine species of interest to Australia thus depends on actions taken by other countries. Within Australia, Indigenous, recreational and commercial users of marine resources value marine species for quite different reasons, while different the Commonwealth, States and Territories often have different goals and processes to manage them, reflecting their different jurisdictional responsibilities. --- [see attached Case Study for more] DATA STREAM(S) USED IN CASE STUDY Synthesis of literature published, and expert knowledge of the case study authors.
Lineage Statement: QUALITY OF DATA USED IN THE ASSESSMENT Peer-reviewed literature.
Peer reviews of this case study were provided by:
Kate Barclay (UTS)
Stuart Kaye (University of Wollongong_
text: westlimit=102.65625000000001; southlimit=-47.4609375; eastlimit=162.421875; northlimit=-7.207031249999999
CASE STUDY 2021 - Management of shared marine biodiversity values [direct download] (SoE_2021_MARINE_Case_Study__Management_shared_values.pdf)
(State of the Environment (SoE) reporting webpage)
uri :
global : 6acfca0f-b734-43a1-ad88-9132aec30e40
- DOI : 10.26198/7VTB-6P89
- global : 8547113e-a694-4dbe-8312-cd609cfcdd20