Brief description
The Lambert Glacier Basin (LGB) series of five oversnow traverses were conducted from 1989-95. Ten metre depth (10 m) firn temperatures, as a proxy indicator of annual mean surface temperature at a site, were recorded approximately every 30 km along the 2014 km main traverse route from LGB00 (68.6543 S, 61.1201 E) near Mawson Station, to LGB72 (69.9209 S, 76.4933 E) near Davis Station. 10 m depth firn temperatures were recorded manually in field notebooks and the data transferred to spreadsheet files (MS Excel). Summary data (30 km spatial resolution) can be obtained from CRC Research Note No.09 'Surface Mass Balance and Snow Surface Properties from the Lambert Glacier Basin Traverses 1990-94'. This work was completed as part of ASAC projects 3 and 2216. Some of this data have been stored in a very old format. The majority of files have been updated to current formats, but some files (kaleidograph files in particular) were not able to be modified due to a lack of appropriate software. However, these files are simply figures, and can be regenerated from the raw data (also provided). The fields in this dataset are: Latitutde Longitude Height Cane Distance Elevation Density Mass Accumulation Year Delta Oxygen-18 Grain Size Ice Crusts Depth HoarIssued: 1999-10-07
Data time period: 1989-11-01 to 1995-02-28
text: northlimit=-69.0; southlimit=-77.0; westlimit=54.0; eastLimit=78.0; projection=WGS84
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- Local : LGB_10m_traverse
- global : 83e2f872-ce59-4060-95a4-410403d69b80