Phase 2 / Phase 3
Hospital,Austin Hospital
Prof Rinaldo Bellomo
Low blood pressure (hypotension) that does not improve with administration of fluids is a common reason for admission to intensive care. These patients usually require drugs that tighten blood vessels (vasopressor) to be given by continuous drip into a vein (intravenous infusion) to support the circulation and maintain a sage blood pressure for a period of time until the patient improves. Underlying causes of this hypotension may relate to sepsis, inflammatory conditions such as pancreatitis, us .... Read more
Admission to the Austin Hospital ICU Age 18 years or greater Refractory hypotension (as defined above), requiring treatment with a single intravenous vasopressor at low dose (as defined above)
Clinical haemodynamic instability, including high vasopressor requirement (i.e. noradrenaline > 10 mcg/min; metaraminol > 100 mcg/min) Severe shock state, as evidenced by a lactate > 4 mmol/L or multiple vasopressor infusions Renal failure as evidenced by a KDIGO Stage 1 Acute Kidney Injury, whereby creatinine is 1.5-1.9 times baseline OR urine output is <0.5 mL/kg/hr for 6-12 hours Alternate treatable cause for refractory hypotension (i.e. bleeding, hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, obstruc .... Read more
Sample Size 62
Min. age 18 Years
Max. age No limit
Sex Both males and females
Condition category Refractory hypotension
Condition code Cardiovascular
Intervention code Treatment: Drugs
This is a pilot randomised controlled trial. Patients with refractory hypotension on an intravenous vasopressor infusion for more than 24 hours but deemed clinically stable by the treating clinician and receiving no more than 10 mcg/min of noradrenaline infusion or no more than 100 mcg/min of metaraminol infusion will be eligible to be enrolled in the study. Patients may receive either midodrine 10 mg three times a day, taken orally and concurrently with ongoing intravenous vasopressor therapy o .... Read more
Control group Active
The control group will receive standard care based on the accepted current practice for the management of critically ill patients in the study setting which is use of and titration to effect of vasopressor mediciations at the discretion of the patient's treating intensive care consultant. This is an unblinded study..
Outcome: Cessation of intravenous vasopressor use.Timepoint: Time from enrollment to the cessation of vasopresser support following enrollment will be determined via medical record audit following the participant's discharge from hospital.
De-identified patient data following ethical approval and following the agreement of the investigating team members
Six months following main results publication; no end date determined.
Clinical investigators with a clearly defined and methodologically sound proposal, case-by-case basis of the primary sponsor.
Only to achieve the aims in the approved proposal. Will be reviewed at the time of the data sharing request by members of the investigating team.