Health Data Australia is a data discovery and request service developed by the Australian Research Data Commons in partnership with the health research sector.The ARDC is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS).
Health Data Australia was built using the same technology as ARDC’s Research Data Australia.
Health Data Australia helps you find, access, and reuse data for research from Australian health research organisations, government agencies, and cultural institutions. We do not store the data itself here, but provide descriptions of the data from our data publishing partners.
Health Data Australia launched in July 2023 as a result of ARDC’s HeSANDA program. This initial rollout included information from clinical trials from 72 research organisations who partnered in HeSANDA. As part of ARDC’s People Research Data Commons, the catalogue will be expanded to include data from a wider array of health research.
For information on using Health Data Australia, please refer to our user documentation.
If you run a clinical trial or manage data from a clinical trial and would like to learn more about HDA, you can find more information in our user documentation or by contacting