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Government body,Medical Research Future Fund
Prof Christobel Saunders
This study aims to find out if having a breast MRI after being diagnosed with breast cancer might change plans for treating the breast cancer and how this might affect patient outcomes. Who is it for? This study may be suitable if you are 18 years or older, have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer and your medical team has suggested that having a breast MRI will help plan your treatment. Trial Details Participants will not need any extra or different procedures or treatments over and abov .... Read more
For inclusion in the study, participants must fulfil all the following criteria: 1) Provide written, informed consent to participate in the study. 2) Female >= 18 years with newly diagnosed early or locally advanced breast cancer for local staging and: a. With ultrasound/mammography, clinical examination results that are discrepant with respect to surgical and other treatment planning; AND/OR b. < 70 years with invasive lobular cancer; AND/OR c. < 50 years; AND/OR d. With reported extreme breast .... Read more
Any one of the following is regarded as a criterion for exclusion from the study: 1) Distant metastatic disease beyond the breast and locoregional ipsilateral lymph nodes. 2) Locally advanced inoperable breast cancer including inflammatory breast cancer or supraclavicular node involvement. 3) Previous cancer on the same side. 4) Classical lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) (pleomorphic LCIS is acceptable). 5) Other non-malignant systemic diseases (cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, lung, etc.) that w .... Read more
Sample Size 406
Min. age 18 Years
Max. age No limit
Sex Females
Condition category Breast Cancer
Condition code Cancer , Public Health
Intervention code Diagnosis / Prognosis
Participants diagnosed with early breast cancer whose medical team suggests that they have an MRI will be followed to determine if having an MRI changes their treatment plan and how this affects cancer outcomes. This research does not involve any interventional treatment and will not be altering patient treatments or outcomes. This an observational study in which the researchers take note of information collected during standard care and treatment and from the questionnaires participants are ask .... Read more
Control group Uncontrolled
No control group.
Outcome: The clinical utility of MRI in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer on treatment outcomes measured by the proportion of patients whose suggested treatment changes from before they have MRI to after they have MRI as assessed from patient medical records.Timepoint: Treatment decision made immediately after having MRI.
Outcome: The clinical utility of MRI in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer on treatment outcomes measured by the proportion of patients who require further breast surgery due to positive margins or suspected residual invasive or in situ disease as assessed from patient medical records..Timepoint: At any time after primary surgery up to 2 years after registration..
Anonymised Individual Patient Data (IPD) collected during the trial.
Data will be made available for request after publication of the main/final study results; no end date. Note that there may be additional circumstances preventing BCT from sharing requested data as outlined in the BCT Data Sharing Guidelines .
Researchers who submit a research proposal and BCT Data Request Application, which is assessed by BCT to have appropriate scientific value. Refer to the BCT Data Sharing Guidelines
To achieve the aims in the approved proposal.