GMT4MA (Goal Management Training for Methamphetamine Addiction)
Not Applicable
University,Monash Addiction Research Centre
Prof Antonio Verdejo-Garcia
Recovery following current treatment for methamphetamine use disorder (MUD) is poor. Only 14% of individuals report continued abstinence at one-year follow-up, which decreases again to 6% after three years. One of the critical limitations of existing treatment approaches is that they do not address the cognitive deficits that result from long-term methamphetamine use, which is critical to recovery from methamphetamine addiction. Goal Management Training (GMT), originally designed for individuals .... Read more
(1) aged 18-50; (2) meet Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM 5) criteria for methamphetamine use disorder measured with the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI); (3) seeking and/or engaged in addiction treatment; (4) sufficient English language proficiency to understand the intervention content; (5) able to provide a phone number for follow-up outcomes; (6) intending to stay in the treatment setting for long enough to complete the intervention.
(1) Individuals who meet DSM-5 criteria for psychosis or schizophrenia; (2) have severe cognitive impairment indicated by a score below 16 in the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA); or 3) are currently taking benzodiazepines.
Sample Size 36
Min. age 18 Years
Max. age 50 Years
Sex Both males and females
Condition category Methamphetamine Use Disorder
Condition code Mental Health
Intervention code Treatment: Other
Goal Management Training+ (GMT) – active intervention GMT+ (i.e., an abbreviated and population [methamphetamine use disorder]-tailored adaptation of GMT [Levine et al., 2011]) is a therapist-guided group-based cognitive remediation intervention that includes instruction and practise tasks to train the executive functions that facilitate goal setting, self-regulation and advantageous decision-making. The program includes 4 modules / sessions delivered via PowerPoint presentations, and a take-hom .... Read more
Control group Active
Brain Health Workshop – control intervention Brain Health Workshop (BHW) is a therapist-guided group psychoeducation program designed to match GMT+ in terms of format, group discussions, time spent with facilitators, and between-session homework duration. BHW will serve as an active control while maintaining a health promotion orientation. BHW includes 4 sessions that provide PowerPoint content, group-based discussions and interactive activities, and a journal to reflect on the health-related co .... Read more
Outcome: Change in executive function from pre-post interventions, assessed using the overall summary score on the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function- Adult Version (BRIEF-A).Timepoint: Baseline: One week before the interventions. Post-intervention: Within one week following completion of the interventions.
Outcome: Feasibility of the program assessed by the proportion of participants who complete GMT+, indicated by an audit of the study database.Timepoint: Within one week following completion of the interventions
Outcome: Acceptability of the program compared to the control interventions, assessed by the proportion of people who withdraw consent prior to engaging in GMT+, indicated by an audit of study databases, and participants positive rating of GMT+ on a 4-item acceptability scale.Timepoint: Within one week following completion of the interventions
All of the deidentified individual participant data (including computer task performance data and questionnaire data), will be made available to other researchers upon reasonable request to the principal investigator.
Following publication for a 7-year period.
Other researchers may request access to this information by contacting the principal investigator.
Analyses of interest to the researcher may be requested.