Enhancing Engagement with Psychosocial Interventions (EEPI)
Not Applicable
Government body,National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
Dr Amelia Gulliver
This study will test using a randomised controlled trial a brief online intervention (an Acceptance-Facilitation Intervention, AFI) designed to increase uptake and adherence to an online mental health program (myCompass 2). The primary hypotheses are that uptake of the program will be higher in the AFI + myCompass 2 condition relative to the myCompass 2 alone condition (H1), and that more participants will adhere to the intervention in the AFI + myCompass 2 condition relative to myCompass 2 alon .... Read more
1) Symptoms of depression OR anxiety in the mild to moderate range (PHQ-9 OR GAD-7 score at screening of 5-14). 2) Aged 18 years or over and living in Australia.
1) Previous use of the myCompass online program. 2) Receiving psychological therapy at screening. 3) Had a suicide plan in the past month. 4) Diagnosis of psychosis or bipolar disorder. 5) Symptoms of depression AND anxiety in the none/low range (PHQ-9 AND GAD-7 score at screening of 0-4). 6) Symptoms of depression OR anxiety in the severe range (PHQ-9 OR GAD-7 score at screening of 15+).
Sample Size 849
Min. age 18 Years
Max. age No limit
Sex Both males and females
Condition category Anxiety , Depression
Condition code Mental Health
Intervention code Treatment: Other
Arm 1 - AFI + myCompass 2 Arm 2 - myCompass 2 alone AFI: The Acceptance-Facilitation Intervention (AFI) will consist of brief (approximately 5 minutes), tailored material presented online to the participant after they are randomised to a condition but before they start the myCompass 2 intervention. The material will be designed to challenge many of the personal barriers to engagement with psychosocial interventions, informed by theory emphasising the importance of social norms in the acceptabili .... Read more
Control group Active
The attention control condition will consist of 14 brief modules of public domain health and lifestyle information, matched for time taken to complete the myCompass 2 program. After participants have completed their follow-up surveys they will be invited to use the myCompass 2 program.
Outcome: Uptake as assessed by - number of individuals who access at least one therapeutic module of the program. Timepoint: 7 weeks post-randomisation
Outcome: Adherence as assessed by number of modules completed of myCompass 2Timepoint: 7 weeks post-randomisation
Deidentified participant data supporting the publication results and primary outcomes
Data are available for an indefinite time Start date: July 2023 (approx) End date: Unknown
Data are potentially available to researchers from not-for-profit organisations based in any location. All data requests will be considered by the primary sponsor on a case-by-case basis. Requests must include a methodologically sound proposal. Specific conditions of use may apply and will be specified in a data sharing agreement (or similar) that the requester must agree to before access is granted. For further information, see https://policies.anu.edu.au/ppl/document/ANUP_007402.
Assessed on a case-by-case basis