Not available
Phase 2
Other Collaborative groups,Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists
A/Prof Dr Andrew Wirth
It has been found that if lymphoma recurs after transplantation it often does so in sites involved prior to transplantation. Radiotherapy can prevent some of these relapses, and may improve the overall results of transplantation. Radiotherapy is often given only to bulky sites (i.e more than 5-10 cm in size) of lymphoma following transplantation, but the optimal dose and area of radiotherapy is not known. It is possible that treating all the areas of lymphoma (including non-bulky areas) may be m .... Read more
1. Histological diagnosis of HD or NHL other than follicular grade I-II, small lymphocytic and marginal zone lymphoma; 2. Failure to achieve CR with first line therapy, or relapse after CR to first line therapy*; 3. No more than 2 lines (ie regimens) of cytoreduction chemotherapy; 4. At least a 50% reduction in the sum of products of tumour diameters following cytoreduction chemotherapy (NHL only); 5. Sites of failure confined to lymph nodes, spleen, Waldeyer's ring and limited extra-nodal sites .... Read more
1. Prior dose-limiting RT to site requiring RT; 2. Planned TBI-based conditioning; 3. Sites of failure include haematogenous involvement of lung or liver parenchyma, brain or both kidneys; 4. Sites of failure include diffuse or disseminated involvement of pleura/pericardium, spinal cord/spinal meninges, bone or skin/soft tissue; 5. Any condition which in the opinion of the investigators puts patients at undue risk of RT toxicity; 6. Women who are pregnant or breast feeding 7. Patients who are no .... Read more
Sample Size 45
Min. age 18 Years
Max. age 0 Not stated
Sex Both males and females
Condition category Hodgkin's disease , Non-Hodgkins lymphoma
Condition code Cancer
Intervention code Treatment: Other
A prospective non randomised trial evaluating the rate of in-field failure in patients having protocol radiotherapy with transplantation for Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Control group Uncontrolled
Comparison not available.
Outcome: Determine the cumulative incidence of progression in irradiated pre-transplant sites of failureTimepoint: 3 years following commencement of treatment
De-identified IPD data, for all data collected during the trial
Data available 3 months following publication, for an indefinite period
Data are potentially available to: • Researchers from not-for-profit organisations • Commercial organisations • Other Based in: • Any location Further information: All data requests will be considered by the primary sponsor on a case by case basis. Requests must include a methodologically sound proposal. Specific conditions of use may apply and will be specified in a data sharing agreement (or similar) that the requester must agree to before access is granted.
Any type of analysis Assessed on a case-by-case basis