
The CSC intervention: A comprehensive universal internet-based intervention to prevent anxiety, depression, substance use, and related harms in Australian adolescents aged 13 to 16 years.

University of Sydney

Dataset description

Australian school students in grade 8 and 9 (aged 13-14 years, 52.1% male) were assigned to one of four groups: (1) Climate Schools–Substance Use, focusing on substance use only; (2) Climate Schools–Mental Health, focusing on depression and anxiety only; (3) Climate Schools–Combined, focusing on the prevention of substance use, depression, and anxiety; or (4) active control. Interventions were delivered for 2 years. Dataset includes primary outcomes of knowledge related to alcohol, cannabis, and mental health; alcohol use, including heavy episodic drinking; and depression and anxiety symptoms at 12, 24, and 30 months after baseline.
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FOR: Mental Health |

Source Study


Government body,National Health and Medical Research Council Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing

Scientific enquiries

Prof Maree Teesson

Brief Summary

The current study will evaluate an integrative internet-based approach to prevent mental health and substance use problems in adolescence. The intervention is known as Climate Schools Combined (CSC), and comprises of a twelve-lesson substance use course, and a six-lesson mental health course. Together the CSC program simultaneously targets alcohol, cannabis, depressive and anxiety disorders with the aim of reducing substance use and decreasing anxiety and depressive symptoms. The study is being ....
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Key Inclusion Criteria

All students (both male and female) aged between 13-14 years, in Year 8 of Secondary School at the beginning of the trial in 2014, (except for QLD students who will be in Year 9 of Secondary School at the beginning of the trial). Long-term follow-up: Those that participated at baseline will be eligible to continue with the study, via the administration of two additional follow-up surveys spanning 5 and 7 years post intervention.

Key Exclusion Criteria

Non consenters – parental and student Long-term follow-up: Those who did not participate in the baseline survey and who do not provide consent to take part in the long-term follow up study are not eligible to take part in the two long-term follow-up surveys spanning 5 and 7 years post intervention.

Can healthy volunteers participate?




Sample Size    6386

Min. age    13 Years

Max. age    14 Years

Sex    Both males and females

Condition category    Anxiety prevention , Depression prevention , Prevention of substance use related harms , Substance use prevention

Condition code    Mental Health


Intervention code Prevention

Participating secondary schools will be randomly allocated to one of four groups. Group 1: The Control condition: One group will serve as the control group and receive their usual school drug and mental health education. The following groups will receive one of the following three study interventions: Group 2: The Climate Schools-Substance Use (CS-SU) intervention aims to reduce the use of Australia’s most commonly used licit and illicit drugs: alcohol and cannabis, and prevent related harms. Th ....
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Control group Active

The Climate Schools Combined (CSC) Intervention will be compared to: a) A "standard treatment" control group - Students will not receive the Climate Schools-Substance Use or Mental Health interventions. Participants will complete their standard Year 8 and Year 9 (Year 9 & 10 in QLD) Health and Physical Education classes, delivered by their usual teacher. b) The Climate Schools-Substance Use only intervention - Students will receive 12 x 40-minute lessons delivered as part of the Year 8 (Year 9 i ....
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Outcome: Use and harmful use of alcohol and cannabis. Students will be asked to rate the frequency and quantity of their alcohol consumption in standard drinks, frequency of drinking to excess (defined as having more than five standard drinks on a single occasion), and age of first alcohol consumption. These questions are were originally adapted from the School Health and Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) ‘Patterns of Alcohol’ index and trials of the Preventure program, an ....
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Outcome: Overall anxiety/depression levels . The ‘Kessler 6 plus’ scale (K6+) will be used to assess psychological distress in the past month. Depression symptoms will be measured using the ‘Patient Health Questionnaire 8’ (PHQ8), while anxiety symptoms will be measured by the ‘Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale’ (GAD-7). The 3-item ‘Mini Social Phobia Inventory’ (mini-SPIN) will assess social anxiety symptoms. The ‘Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire’ (SDQ) will be ....
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Outcome: Anxiety, depression and substance use knowledge. Alcohol related knowledge will be assessed using a questionnaire originally adapted from the SHAHRP 16-item ‘Knowledge of Alcohol’ index, and as used in previous trials using the CLIMATE Schools programs. Participants’ knowledge about cannabis will be assessed by 16 items from the ‘Knowledge about Cannabis’ scale used in previous CLIMATE Schools trials. Participants’ knowledge about coping with anxiety and depression wil ....
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Data Dictionary: Not Available

Will individual participant data (IPD) for this trial be available?


What data in particular will be shared?

De-identified individual participant survey data from all assessment waves (baseline, 6-, 12-, 15-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 60- and 72- month follow-ups)

When will data be available?

As per the CSC Study authorship and data sharing guidelines, data is currently available and will be available for at least 20 years. Waves 1-9: available from 1st July 2022 until 1st July 2042

Available to whom?

Data are potentially available to researchers from not-for-profile organizations, commercial organisations/other and based in any location. All data requests will be considered by the primary sponsor on a case-by-case basis. Requests must include a methodologically sound proposal. Specific conditions of use may apply and will be specified in a data sharing agreement (or similar) that the requester must agree to before access is granted. The statistical analysis code (syntax) and data collected for the study, including de-identified participant data, will be made available to researchers on request to the corresponding author and with appropriate reason when accompanied by study protocol and analysis plan. Data will be shared after the approval of a proposal by a committee of the current research team with a signed data access agreement. Informed consent forms are available in the published protocol. For further information, see our data sharing policy (

Available for what types of analyses?

Any type of analysis (IPD meta-analysis, systematic review, and other research questions) assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Source study information is derived from the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR). For more information on the ANZCTR, please see