
The CAP Study: Evaluating a comprehensive universal and targeted intervention designed to prevent substance use and related harms in Australian adolescents.

University of Sydney

Dataset description

Dataset includes a total of 2190 students (mean age, 13.3 years. 57.% male) from 26 Australian high schools. Participants were followed up at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 5.5 years, and 7 years. Schools were randomly assigned to deliver the following: (1) universal Web-based prevention for all students (Climate Schools); (2) selective prevention for high-risk students (Preventure); (3) combined universal and selective prevention (Climate Schools and Preventure [CAP]); or (4) health education as usual (control). Primary outcomes were self-reported frequency of alcohol consumption and binge drinking, alcohol-related harms, and hazardous alcohol use, at the 7-year follow-up.
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FOR: Mental Health |

Source Study




Not Applicable


Government body,National Health and Medical Research Council

Scientific enquiries

Prof Prof Maree Teesson

Brief Summary

The aim of the current proposal is to combine the effective universal Climate Schools and targeted Preventure programs into a comprehensive model to prevent substance use and related harms in adolescents. This model will be known as the CAP intervention. Delivering prevention using the proposed comprehensive approach offers a way of preventing substance use at a whole population level and has the potential to maximize outcomes for both high- and low-risk youth. This study will be the first time ....
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Key Inclusion Criteria

Baseline: All students (male and female) between the ages of 12 and 15 yrs. Long-term follow-up: Those that participated at baseline will be eligible to continue with the study, via the administration of 2 additional follow-up surveys spanning 5, 6 and 7 years post intervention.

Key Exclusion Criteria

Baseline study: Those younger than 12 or older than 15 years of age. Long-term follow-up: Those who did not participate in the baseline survey are not eligible to take part in the 2 long-term follow-up surveys spanning 5, 6, and 7 years post intervention.

Can healthy volunteers participate?




Sample Size    2190

Min. age    12 Years

Max. age    15 Years

Sex    Both males and females

Condition category    Prevention of substance use-related harms , Substance use prevention

Condition code    Mental Health , Public Health


Intervention code Behaviour , Lifestyle , Prevention

Participating secondary schools will be randomly allocated to one of four groups. One group will serve as the control group and receive their usual drug education in school while the remaining three groups will receive either of the following interventions: Arm 1- Climate Schools Intervention (CL): The Climate Schools program aims to reduce the use of Australia’s most commonly used licit and illicit drugs: alcohol and cannabis, and related harms. The Program consists of twelve 40-minute lessons ....
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Control group Active

The combined Climate Schools and Preventure (CAP) Intervention will be compared to: a) A "standard treatment" control group - Students will not receive the Climate Schools or the Preventure Interventions. Participants will complete their standard Year 8 PDHPE classes, delivered by their teacher b) Climate Schools only intervention - Students will receive 12 x 40minute lessons delivered as part of the Year 8 PDHPE syllabus. Each lesson consists of computer lessons and activities from the program ....
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Outcome: Uptake and harmful use of alcohol and illicit substance
Timepoint: Assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after intervention commencement. Uptake and harmful use will be assessed by an adapted version of the School Health Alcohol Harm Reduction Project (SHAHRP) Patterns of Alcohol and Cannabis Use instrument, the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC-IV), the Alcohol and Lifestyle Questionnaire and nine items relating to student's current and ....

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Outcome: Substance use related harms
Timepoint: Assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after intervention commencement. Harms caused by cannabis will be assessed using 12 items adapted from the SHAHRP survey instrument and a set of questions adapted from the Adolescent Cannabis Problems Questionnaire. Harms caused by alcohol will be assessed using an abbreviated version of the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index. Long-term follow-up: Primary outcomes will be assesse ....

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Outcome: Alcohol and cannabis knowledge and attitudes
Timepoint: Assessed at baseline and at 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after intervention commencement, assessed by questions adapted from the SHAHRP questionnaire, and the Cannabis Quiz. Long-term follow-up: Primary outcomes will be assessed long-term via the administration of 2 additional follow-up surveys spanning 5, 6 and 7 years post intervention. Primary outcome 3: Probable diagnosis of alcohol use disorder will be measur ....

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Data Dictionary: Not Available

Will individual participant data (IPD) for this trial be available?


What data in particular will be shared?

De-identified individual participant survey data from all assessment waves (baseline, 6-, 12-, 15-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 60- and 72- month follow-ups)

When will data be available?

Waves 1-9: available from 1st July 2022 until 1st July 2042

Available to whom?

Data are potentially available to researchers from not-for-profile organizations, commercial organisations/other and based in any location. All data requests will be considered by the primary sponsor on a case-by-case basis. Requests must include a methodologically sound proposal. Specific conditions of use may apply and will be specified in a data sharing agreement (or similar) that the requester must agree to before access is granted. The statistical analysis code (syntax) and data collected for the study, including de-identified participant data, will be made available to researchers on request to the corresponding author and with appropriate reason when accompanied by study protocol and analysis plan. Data will be shared after the approval of a proposal by a committee of the current research team with a signed data access agreement. Informed consent forms are available in the published protocol. For further information, see our data sharing policy (

Available for what types of analyses?

Any type of analysis (IPD meta-analysis, systematic review, and other research questions) assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Source study information is derived from the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR). For more information on the ANZCTR, please see