Brief description
The service contains the Australian Coastal Geomorphology Landform Subtype Classifications, used to support a national coastal risk assessment. It describes the location and extent of landform subtypes identifiable at scales between 1:25,000 and 1:10,000. It also provides further detail to the Landform Type, with particular reference to feature stability (e.g. dune types) and mobility (e.g. channel types). It is cached service with a Web Mercator Projection.Lineage
Statement: This is the second iteration of this web service. The service was revised in 2016 as part of an infrastructure platform upgrade.text: westlimit=112; southlimit=-44; eastlimit=154; northlimit=-9; projection=GDA94 (EPSG:4283)
Earth Sciences |
Published_External |
beach |
coast |
coastal |
dune |
geomorphic |
geomorphology |
geoscientificInformation |
hazard |
risk |
shoreline |
smartline |
web service |
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Other Information
Australian Coastal Geomorphology Landform Subtype (Web Mercator) WMTS
- global : 85a30e10-f607-42c9-bef1-69a211a9a5ea
- URI :